
As part of the work of the School of Young Teachers at Taldykorgan College of Service and Technology 26.11.2019.  under the direction of the deputy director of educational work Appasova R.U. Methodist Rysbekova K.K. held another session for young teachers. In order to provide methodical assistance in the organization of the classroom leadership shared the experience of the mentor, English teacher Uskembaeva A.T. The aim of the class is to promote the professional development of young teachers. The participants were familiarized with the documentation (journal, portfolio of students, work with parents, activities, development, protocol, etc.) on educational work. The educational system in the college should go through the implementation of the program "Rukhani Zhagyru". Listeners were provided with handouts in the methodological piggy bank. The lesson ended with a debriefing, young specialists appreciated the practical significance of the event.