

According to the schedule of methodological weeks, from November 09 to November 13, 2020, a week of PCC of technical disciplines was held. The purpose of which is facilitating students 'motivation for in-depth learning, development of their creative abilities, foster a sense of cooperation between teachers and students, and develop students' communicative and professional competences.

Methodical week is one of the forms of work that reflects the purposeful, collective, individual, practical activities of teachers aimed at improving the quality of education and professional training of students.

During the week, open lessons were held through the ZOOM platform, organized by the teachers of the cycle Commission in accordance with the approved plan.


November 09, 2020.

The opening of the week began with a video posted on the College's website, the content of the video was the name of the open lessons, the names of the teachers who were supposed to conduct and the date and time of the lessons were indicated. The video was prepared by Kensbai E.T., a master of production training.


November 09, 2020.

The open lesson "the Advertising formula" the master of in-service training of Okasheva Anara Kosembay, students learned about proper use of advertising, met with different types of advertising formulas for successful advertising, but there were also arguments between students over how to make advertising successful. The lesson was conducted using a variety of forms and methods of teaching. Students were offered several videos where they had to indicate why these ads were successful and others were not, which they successfully managed.


November 10, 2020.

At the open lesson of Kambarov Nurlan Mukhtarovich on the topic "Projectors", a presentation "Composition of the projector" was prepared, where the teacher described in detail and explained what the projector consists of and the principle of operation of the projector. Students demonstrated their knowledge, identified the advantages and disadvantages of projectors from different companies. At the stage of reflection, students noted that the lesson was interesting and informative for them. Students showed a high level of knowledge on the subject. Students were active in completing tasks, the Teacher managed to create a favorable atmosphere, the spirit of competition reigned in the classroom.


November 11, 2020.

Master of industrial training Tokanova Zhuldyz Talgatovna held an open lesson on the topic "Antivirus programs" using various types of tasks. Especially interesting was the game "Scrabble". Students responded very quickly to the questions asked, where they showed very good knowledge of the subject.


November 12, 2020.

Master of production training Shiganbayeva Asel Maratovna held an open lesson on the topic "Creating and applying a custom brush in CorelDraw". The lesson was very rich and informative. Asel Maratovna started the lesson by repeating the previous topic and during practical tasks, the students were very active.


November 12, 2020.

Natalia Tokareva Alexandrovna, a teacher of special disciplines, held an open lesson on the Topic "capabilities of MS Excel, working with sheets", where the criterion method was used, etc. The lesson was very rich and informative. Students working in the MS Excel program, very easily oriented it means that they know this program. Also, everyone was interested in using formulas in MS Excel. The teacher also fixed this material with a practical task and each student had an individual task, all the results were very beautifully designed, aesthetically pleasing, using formulas and functions. According to the students, the lesson was held at a very high level. Thank You Natalia Alexandrovna!


November 13, 2020.

Master of industrial training Onishchuk Yuri Petrovich held an open lesson on the topic "setting up a local computer network". Yuri Petrovich treated the preparation of the open lesson very responsibly and creatively, interesting questions were used, and when explaining the new material, he told in great detail how local area networks are configured. Also, when explaining the new material, Yuri Petrovich used a video where he himself demonstrates the configuration of the local area network, which was recorded by the master himself, which also aroused interest among students. The lesson conducted by Yuri Petrovich was very interesting and rich none of the students noticed how time passed, all the students were active and interested and each student understood how the local area network is configured. The result is received and the lesson has reached its goal.


November 13, 2020.

At the open lesson of Dinmukhamedov Zhandos Aimukhamedovich on the topic "photo Collage in graphic programs", criterion assessment was used, so the teacher at the beginning of the lesson voiced descriptors of how students will be evaluated. Zhandos Aitmukhamedovich online showed the work in the Photoshop program and made a photo collage, the explanation was very interesting and rich. After the explanation, the teacher made a small survey, and then gave out homework. The reflection was also very interesting, the students had to show their facial expressions how the lesson went, judging by the facial expressions of the students, everyone liked the lesson.


The teachers of the Central Committee carried out a lot of preparatory work. At all events, the ZOOM platform and non-standard teaching were used. All the events of the week of the Central Committee were highly appreciated.