According to the schedule of methodological weeks, a week of PCC of technical disciplines was held from November 15 to November 19, 2021. The purpose of which is to contribute to the creation of students' motivation for in-depth study of disciplines, the development of their creative abilities, fostering a sense of community between teachers and students, the development of students' communicative and professional competencies.
Methodical week is one of the forms of work reflecting the purposeful, collective, individual, practical activities of teachers aimed at improving the quality of education and professional training of students.
During the week, open lessons and master classes were held, organized by the teachers of the cycle commission in accordance with the approved plan.
November 15, 2021.
The opening of the week began with a video posted on the college's website, the content of the video was the name of the open lessons, the names of the teachers who were supposed to conduct and the date and time of the lessons were indicated. The video was prepared by the master of industrial training Sagymbekov N.S.
November 16, 2021.
Master class on the topic "Online constructor "Sanva". Working with files." was conducted by the master of industrial training Dinmukhamedov Zhandos Аymukhamedovich, teachers learned how to create a presentation online, how to spice up a presentation, how to give a zest for presentations.The master class was conducted with illustrative examples. The teachers at this master class made a presentation for their lesson.
November 17, 2021.
A master class on the topic: "Cloud storage", was conducted by the master of industrial training Tokanova Zhuldyz Talgatovna. For this master class, a presentation "Cloud Storage" was prepared, where the master described and explained in detail what the cloud consists of. Everyone was able to work with cloud storage.
November 18, 2021.
Master of industrial training Okasheva Anar Kosembaevna conducted a master class on the topic "Creating and using tests using Google Forms" using various types of tests.
The p/o master showed how to create different types of tests, how to save, how to send and how to use a QR code. The explanation was consistent; the algorithm of actions was preserved. Everyone present tried to create a small test and sent a chat to each other to see the result. The master class turned out to be very instructive and informative.
November 19, 2021.
The master of industrial training Onishchuk Yuri Petrovich conducted an open lesson on the topic "Setting up file storage".The lesson turned out to be very rich and informative. Yuri Petrovich started the lesson with a repetition of the previous topic and with practical tasks, the students were very active.
The teachers of the Cycle Commission carried out a lot of preparatory work. All the events of the CC week were highly appreciated.